Friday, May 16, 2014

Sooner or Later

Now or never. Rashaell was right there in front of me and, according to Emma, she was now single. It was time for me to ask her out, but not quite yet. I trusted Emma, but I still needed to confirm what I heard from Rashaell herself. But how to do that? I didn't want to just ask her if they broke up, that might make me seem insensitive and over eager. After a short time contemplating my approach, I decided on the "I didn't know" act.

     I walked over to where she was standing and said, "Hey, Rash. How ya doin'?"

     "Pretty good, I guess." She said.

     Now it was time to implement my plan. I simply asked, "You know what? I haven't seen Landon in a long time. How is he?"

     She paused for a second and then said, "Oh, I don't really know. We kinda broke up a couple weeks ago."

     "Oh, I'm sorry." I said, "I didn't know."
     I was about three seconds from making my move and asking her out, but then I stopped. I just couldn't do it. It wasn't that I was afraid or anything, it just didn't seem right. What am I? A vulture? She just got out of a year-and-a-half long relationship and here I was trying to take advantage of it. Besides, even if I did ask her out and she said "yes" I would just end up being her rebound guy and end up on the wayside in two weeks. It just wasn't the right time.

     "Well," I said, "best of luck to ya."

     As much as I liked her and wanted nothing more that to ask her out, I had to give her some time. Time to sort things out and be her own person. I'd ask her out sooner or later, just not right now. It's not like she was going anywhere. . . Yeah friggin' right.

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