Saturday, June 6, 2015

Marry Me!

Guess what's back! That's right, the blog that no one cared about and no one reads is back after almost a year on hiatus.

By August of 2013, I was no longer the "eighteen year-old that never had a date." Why? Because I turned nineteen. But little did I know that two months later I would actually get a real date. After Rashaell left for college, we were really short handed at work, so a couple of weeks later a new cashier was hired. Her name was Allyson. She had dark brown - almost black hair - was thin, short, and had an infectious smile. I liked her immediately. Not in a romantic way, mind you, but she was so full of life and happiness that it was impossible not to like her. We became friends rather quickly because of our mutual interests. I recall one conversation that took place as we worked:

"So, what's your favorite color?" I asked. This was one of three questions that I always asked people when I wanted to get to know them. I could find out everything I needed to know about a person just by asking these three questions.

"Probably purple," she replied, "I've never given it very much thought."
“Purple's a good color,” I said. Her answer told me that she was possibly indecisive in certain areas. Answers like “red” or “blue” would indicate a more self-assured nature. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but in my experience this is the way it goes. “I really like red,” I replied.

“Oh?” she said. Her eyebrows crinkled for a second like she was thinking about something. Maybe she was going through the same mental processes I was and trying to find out more about me from my answer?

Later on in the day I asked the second of the three questions: “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?”

She thought for a second. “I'd probably want to fly,” she replied.
Adventurous, I thought. She likes going places and seeing new things. “I'd probably fly too,” I said out loud, “or laser vision. . . yeah probably laser vision.”

She chuckled a bit and smiled. Again, I couldn't help but smile, too. She just had that effect on people.

It was again later in the day before I asked the third question: “What is your favorite band?” There are some variances on this question like “What is your favorite genre of music?” or “What is your favorite musical artist?”

She thought for a second and then answered. “It's hard to say. I like a lot of different bands, but right now I'd have to say I really enjoy Muse.”

“Marry me... like, right now,” I blurted out. While Muse may not have been my favorite band of all time (that title goes to the Beatles), Muse was one of the best live shows I've ever been to in my life and I will forever be a lifelong fan of the band.

She laughed and smiled again. I'm not exactly sure what her answer told me about her, but at this point I didn't really care. I just knew that she was a great girl and I definitely wanted to get to know her better.

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